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Meet our Team: Christopher Mack

Chris is the Branch Manager of our busy Pointe Claire office, and is a Chartered Investment Manager (CIM). He started with The Rothenberg Group at a young age and has grown with the company. He tackled every challenge, completed several courses with honours, and eagerly accepted greater responsibilities.”

Chris is a family man.  He and his wife met when they worked together at Rothenberg Capital Management in Westmount.  His 20-year old daughter is currently studying History at the Université de Montréal, and their 10-year old son is a budding soccer star and plays at the competitive level.

“By this time next year, I will have spent half my life as a part of the Rothenberg family.  I’ve seen a lot of changes, and a lot of good years (and a few challenging ones) as I’ve grown with the company.  The relationships I’ve built with my clients have been the most rewarding aspect of all.  As the years have gone by, we’ve moved forwards together.  The most frequent comment I’ve heard is ‘Chris, no one ever took the time to explain anything to me, but now I’m finally starting to understand more and more.’ That has always been very gratifying for me.”