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Meet our Team: Maria Ioannou

Maria has been with The Rothenberg Group for over 23 years and was recently appointed as President of all the Rothenberg group of companies.

“I hope to inspire other women through my leadership and compassion and prove that YES we can have it all!”

Maria started at Rothenberg back in 1997, fresh out of University with a degree in Accounting. She was quickly promoted to the position of Head Accountant – a weighty job for someone so young, but she had such promise that the management felt she could fill the shoes of the position. A few short years later she was promoted to the title of Controller. In 2017 Maria was appointed as Chief Financial Officer. And in early 2020 Maria was unanimously elected as President of the Rothenberg Group of companies.

“I am proud to hold this office and responsibilities that it entails. I manage such a wonderful group of Rothenberg associates. Every day is exciting, challenging and rewarding.

I am also a wife and mother of two teenage boys! Balancing it all is challenging and I take it all on with passion and pride.

What really helps me find balance is daily meditation (morning and night) and lots of cardio exercise!

And I never forgo my daily walks during all seasons, but especially now in the summer!”