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The Rothenberg Story – How it All Started

Once upon a time, there was a young man who thought he was very old, at age 34. All of his life he dreamed of being a success. Marrying at the very young age of 21, he was determined to provide for his wife and future family. He worked long hours and very hard as a salesman for a mutual fund company, with moderate success. When the company went bankrupt, he moved on to London Life and learned the art of selling life insurance.

This time it was different. He was taught the importance of developing a clientele that he could service, and most importantly, insure their needs during the worst of times, a premature death. He took his work very seriously and dedicated his time to protecting his clients.

The years went by and now, what he felt to be a very old age, 34, he decided to open his own company. This company would offer life insurance with an expertise in annuities and the clients would have the option of dealing with any insurance company in Canada. With great enthusiasm he convinced his wife, Pearl, that it would be as easy as falling off a log, and she should come to work with him as a business partner. After all, he had saved up $15,000 and the Royal Bank had agreed to lend him another $15,000.

Rothenberg & Rothenberg was born.

After nine months, disenchanted Pearl, had discovered that she was not into finance. So back to school she went, with the motto, I’m going to be 40 years old one day. I might as well be 40 with a degree than without. Eight years later she graduated as an accomplished Clinical Psychologist.

Rothenberg & Rothenberg experienced its’ ups and downs and many times Pearl brought up the ease of “falling off a log”. However, this old, young man, persevered never giving up. Five years later Rothenberg Capital Management (RCM) came into being, offering mutual funds of all varieties.

The years continued to pass and Robert Rothenberg, Jack and Pearl’s son, truly an amazing young man at the time, joined RCM and once again two Rothenbergs were at the helm. It didn’t take long before Robert acquired every possible degree related to finance. Today his expertise guides our companies through volatile times with the dexterity of an orchestra conductor. The Rothenberg Group of Companies includes both Rothenberg & Rothenberg as well as Rothenberg Capital Management.

They say that behind every successful man there is a woman. In my case that’s doubly true. Taking the advice of Pearl, I hired Helen Corrigan, a regional manager of a large trust company, who wanted to make a change. This was probably one of the best decisions of my life.

Within two years Helen became Vice President of the Rothenberg Group of companies and today she’s the president, and partner of a very successful operation with four branches and growing. The Rothenberg companies handle many aspects of investment advice for both large and small portfolios containing stocks, bonds, preferred shares, GICs, and insurance.

With clients numbering in the thousands and assets of close to a billion dollars, this young man, who thought he was old, has turned 71. He still takes servicing his clients very seriously and dedicates his time to protecting them. In fact, the motto throughout his company’s offices is that ‘clients are treated like family’ – this approach guides every advisor on a daily basis and is reflected in the quality and intimacy of their relationships with each client.

Why? Because this 71 year old was once a young man who was concerned with securing his family’s future and he knows that…

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