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Volatile Market Strategies
  Key takeaways Uncertainty is a constant, and downturns happen frequently. But market setbacks have typically been followed by recoveries. Stay disciplined: Trying to time the market has proven challenging–and could cost you. Plan for a variety of markets: An investing approach built with your goals and situation in mind may help you cope with...
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Tax Loss Selling
Just like last year, we are here to provide you with a checklist to ensure you get the most out of tax credits, deductions, and benefits. But first, we want to get more in depth about tax loss selling. What is Tax-Loss Selling? Tax-loss selling means selling an investment with accrued losses at year-end, allowing...
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We took advantage of the last sunny days of the season to get together with our Facebook followers and several of our valued clients on the patio. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with existing clients and to put a face to a name with our Facebook fans. The exchange with these wonderful people...
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In October 1992 we opened our Calgary office.  Such excitement!  Canada was just beginning to recuperate from a tough recession and Jack Rothenberg thought that Alberta would pull out first and Calgary would lead the country with a fast-growing economy.  Robert Rothenberg opened the office and has been running it with a steady hand ever...
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Just last week, The Rothenberg Group hosted a pizza night that turned into a surprise party for their president, Helen Corrigan. Jack and Robert Rothenberg gave speeches about how they met Helen, and about all the hard work and dedication she has given to make The Rothenberg Group what it is today. Helen was also...
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RCM Associate of the Year 2018  Following Rothenberg’s annual tradition, we are excited to present the 2018 Associate of the Year! This award is voted on by the Rothenberg Associates solely. The employees vote for the person they feel best exemplifies: Commitment to excellence in performing his/her duties Growing and developing in his/her job Working...
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Bon voyage, Sarah! We recently celebrated Sarah Desnoyers-Zorko who is leaving The Rothenberg Group after over four years of part-time work while completing her law degree. Sarah has worked in a number of departments while studying and learning for the bar exam. We will miss her cheerful smile and dedicated work. We wish Sarah continued...
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Congratulations Nancy-Ann! Nancy-Ann is celebrating her 20th anniversary with The Rothenberg Group. Nancy started with us during the ice storm in 2008. She started in an entry-level position and over the years has worked her way through several departments. Although Nancy is a very good administrator, she loves dealing with the public.
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Happy trails to you, Marilyn! We recently bid farewell to long time Associate, Marilyn Amsel. Marilyn joined the Rothenberg Group 21 years ago. She worked in a number of departments and then spent eight years as Manager of our Point Claire office. Three years ago she decided to retire and then she was promptly asked...
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On Tuesday, June 26, 2018, the Chabad Lubavitch (Calgary chapter) hosted its Holy One Golf Celebration at River Spirit Golf Club. The tournament benefitted The Friendship Circle, an organization providing services and support for Jewish children and teens with special needs so they can thrive. Rothenberg Capital Management was one of the primary sponsors, and Robert...
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