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Our loonie, like any other currency around the world, is measured against the strength of the U.S. dollar. A number of individuals seem to think that our dollar is linked to the price of oil. True, oil is purchased all over the world with U.S. dollars only, and sometimes we in Canada sell more oil than...
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Our loonie, like any other currency around the world, is measured against the strength of the U.S. dollar. A number of individuals seem to think that our dollar is linked to the price of oil. True, oil is purchased all over the world with U.S. dollars only, and sometimes we in Canada sell more oil than...
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Top tips to protect you against fraud.
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This month we celebrate the anniversaries of three special team members. Though you could not be there in person with us, we would like to share this milestone with you. Maria Ioannou:  Maria joined the Rothenberg team fresh out of university with her degree in finance not yet dry. She quickly demonstrated a thorough understanding of...
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Have you read on occasion, like I have, of how an individual wins a few million dollars through some kind of lottery draw? Or maybe it’s a group of people sharing a lottery ticket and dividing up a 100 million or more? What about the lucky man or woman, who inherits a million dollars unexpectedly from...
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Age 65 or older in 2017? Take advantage of the $2,000 annual Pension Income Tax Credit. The pension income amount allows you aged 65 + to claim a federal non-refundable tax credit on up to $2,000 of eligible pension income. If you don’t have a pension plan at work, there are ways to create pension...
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Age 65 or older in 2017? Take advantage of the $2,000 annual Pension Income Tax Credit. The pension income amount allows you aged 65 + to claim a federal non-refundable tax credit on up to $2,000 of eligible pension income. If you don’t have a pension plan at work, there are ways to create pension...
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The holidays light up the darker and colder season of the year, when many spend less time outdoors and more time “cocooning” with family and friends. Many have a holiday season tradition – here are a few of ours: The gratitude jar– During the month of December, every night at dinner everyone writes on a...
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Your bundle of joy has arrived! Or perhaps you are the Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, or Sibling! What better way to show your love and attention towards this child than helping to save for his/her education. A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a government sponsored savings program that helps you save for a child’s post-secondary...
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Your bundle of joy has arrived! Or perhaps you are the Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, or Sibling! What better way to show your love and attention towards this child than helping to save for his/her education. A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a government sponsored savings program that helps you save for a child’s post-secondary...
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