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Let me begin by saying, the following will be easy to understand, and I’m sure each of you will feel more confident as to how to proceed with your own portfolio. Imagine a mutual fund as a big empty round barrel. Standing next to the barrel are individuals (1 – 10 approximately, depending upon the fund)...
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Let me begin by saying, the following will be easy to understand, and I’m sure each of you will feel more confident as to how to proceed with your own portfolio. Imagine a mutual fund as a big empty round barrel. Standing next to the barrel are individuals (1 – 10 approximately, depending upon the fund)...
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When I first started my career, it began as a salesman, selling life Insurance products. Wow, I remember what Woody Allen said: “What’s worse than death – being stuck in an elevator with a life Insurance salesman”. Not very flattering or image boosting. However, I prevailed and I recall my first client death experience very...
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What a scary undertaking! Meeting someone for the first time, that you have to open up to. Sharing your success or failure up to this point in your life. Revealing your inner dreams of where you want to be down the road. It’s almost like becoming naked on a first date. It is so intimidating...
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What a scary undertaking! Meeting someone for the first time, that you have to open up to. Sharing your success or failure up to this point in your life. Revealing your inner dreams of where you want to be down the road. It’s almost like becoming naked on a first date. It is so intimidating...
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Once upon a time, there was a young man who thought he was very old, at age 34. All of his life he dreamed of being a success. Marrying at the very young age of 21, he was determined to provide for his wife and future family. He worked long hours and very hard as a salesman for...
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