To our clients, you can now find the online portal link underneath the "Client Center" tab.


News & Updates
We are proud to share some exciting news regarding the evolution of our company. Moving forward, we will be known as “Rothenberg Wealth Management.” Over the past four decades, we have built a solid reputation as a trusted name in the Canadian wealth management industry. Our new name better aligns with who we are as...
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At Rothenberg Capital Management, we are proud and grateful for the trust our clients put in us. We believe there are many reasons that we have earned their trust and would like to share them with you, particularly during these trying times. Rothenberg Capital management is an independent Level II Introducing Stockbroker. We offer sound and...
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The news and impact of the COVID-19 CoronaVirus is changing at a rapid pace. For over 40 years the Rothenberg Capital Management team has guided our clients through uncertain times. The health and safety of our employees and all our clients is of paramount importance to us.  As a result our offices are operating with...
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We took advantage of the last sunny days of the season to get together with our Facebook followers and several of our valued clients on the patio. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with existing clients and to put a face to a name with our Facebook fans. The exchange with these wonderful people...
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In October 1992 we opened our Calgary office.  Such excitement!  Canada was just beginning to recuperate from a tough recession and Jack Rothenberg thought that Alberta would pull out first and Calgary would lead the country with a fast-growing economy.  Robert Rothenberg opened the office and has been running it with a steady hand ever...
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