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Challenging Times Are Calling for A Trusted Partner

At Rothenberg Capital Management, we are proud and grateful for the trust our clients put in us. We believe there are many reasons that we have earned their trust and would like to share them with you, particularly during these trying times.

Rothenberg Capital management is an independent Level II Introducing Stockbroker. We offer sound and unbiased advice. Our paramount concern is to help our clients achieve their long-term objectives. Our success is firmly rooted in the over 5,000 very satisfied and loyal clients across Canada.

Our approach is focused on a personalized overview of the client’s needs, their stage of life and most importantly, their comfort zone.

All our advisors have successfully completed the Canadian Securities Course and most also have university degrees in business or economics. Many have the coveted Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designations.

We are a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and covered under the regulators insurer known as the Canadian Investor Protection Funds (CIPF). Each client account is therefore covered up to $1 million. The firm we use for our back-office, NBIN, is covered by the same insurer. We receive regular independent audits by IIROC as well as external auditors.

Our sister company, Rothenberg & Rothenberg, is an Independent GIC Broker, representing more than 30 banks and trusts across Canada. We also operate an insurance brokerage division which represents multiple insurance companies.

We have access to almost all the financial products available in Canada. But because they are not our products, we are unbiased and want only to recommend what is in our clients’ best interest.

We keep clients well-informed about the progress toward their financial goals. Besides sending statements regularly, our advisors meet with clients often to assess performance, hear about life events that may change the client’s needs, reevaluate recommendations, and update their portfolio. We accompany our clients through everything life may throw at them, especially now during these turbulent times!

Help During Volatile Times

Speaking about your concerns with a Wealth Management Advisor that already took the time to get to know you, your risk tolerance and personal needs, can be a real asset. Such an advisor is fully aware of your situation and can properly assess the potential risks in your specific scenario. In some instances, they will counsel you to do nothing and stay the course. In other cases, they will be able to provide you with suggestions of investments and adaptations that will be beneficial in a down market. In every case they are there to answer your questions and provide you with an overview of the current market situation. Historical data, good research, and a good advisor’s guidance are on your side!

We believe that our conservative approach to investing, our care for clients, and our proven expertise all have a lot to do with our excellent reputation over the last 40 years.

If you have concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Wealth Management Advisor. If any of your friends or relatives are concerned about their investments, feel free to have them contact us as well.

We are here for you: 514-934-0586