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There are many misconceptions about life insurance – who it’s for, and who can afford it are some of the more common. 50% of Millennials guessed the yearly cost of $250,00 term life insurance policy for a healthy 30-year-old would run at $1,000 or more yearly when it is actually closer to $160.00 per year for a 10-year-term. Source: LIMRA Other post...
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Life insurance enables policyholders to replace the income of a lost loved one in the event of their death. It is a critical safety net to ensure that the surviving family members can maintain their standard of living. Navigating the intricacies of purchasing and maximizing life insurance is complicated, so we have written this article...
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The magnitude of the relationship between health and retiring early is surprising: around 70% of retired Canadians did not stop working on the date they had planned to, and among them, 41% cited personal health as the primary reason for having needed to retire early. The possibility of becoming seriously ill is real. Although recovery...
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When I first started my career, it began as a salesman, selling life Insurance products. Wow, I remember what Woody Allen said: “What’s worse than death – being stuck in an elevator with a life Insurance salesman”. Not very flattering or image boosting. However, I prevailed and I recall my first client death experience very...
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