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Westmount Crusader Pathfinder Club

On October 22, 2016 at the Westmount Crusader Pathfinder Club Investiture Service, Mr. Jack Rothenberg of The Rothenberg Group was presented with a “Plaque of Appreciation” from the Club for his financial support and contribution. The Plaque was presented to him by Pathfinder Kaeli Waugh who received the Junior Pathfinder of the year award and Elizabeth Charles the club director.

The Westmount Crusader Pathfinder club is an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Worldwide, dedicated to meeting the social, physical, mental and spiritual development needs of its youth ages 10-16 by challenging them to experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, having a sense of achievement and responsibility, and developing respect for God’s creation including his fellowman.

The Pathfinders take part in activities, such camping and camporees local and International. They visit nursing homes and on Mother’s day present the residents there with flowers and a picture frame poem. They also make a special Mother’s day lunch and give to the Mothers who are home bound and live alone.

You can see the Pathfinders feeding the homeless downtown or giving out coats, socks and hats to homeless on the streets of downtown Montreal. Every November you can see them in their uniform in the area of Westmount collecting funds form the neighbourhood in collaboration with ADRA Canada (this is called Ingathering). This money is used to help people who are experiencing difficulties in life. They also collect non-perishing food items to make Christmas baskets to give to the less fortunate, and to put a smile on the face of many during the Christmas season.

The Pathfinders also participated in our Bible Experience ( where they have to learn an entire book of the Bible) and compete with other Pathfinder clubs in Quebec and the North American Division (NAD). Last year they placed first in the Quebec Conference and second in the North American Division, which was held in Prescott Arizona USA.