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Silvana Rizzo, CIM

Meet Senior Wealth Management Advisor Silvana Rizzo, CIM.

Silvana Rizzo


Senior Wealth Management Advisor

Silvana’s career in the Financial Services industry spans over 30 years joining Rothenberg Wealth  Management in 2006 as a Wealth Management Advisor at the Westmount head office branch.

Prior to joining Rothenberg Wealth Management, she worked 17 years for a private Swiss Bank, 11 of these years were centered in the private client sector and the last 3 years as Vice President -Private Clients.

Silvana has a Social Sciences degree from Dawson College. She successfully completed the Insurance license for Insurance of Persons and has the coveted Canadian Investment Manager (CIM) designation.

Silvana is a member of the Sub-Committee of Compliance for Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO).

If you are looking for a wealth management advisor successful in providing sound financial advice following your long-term objectives, Silvana is the person. Please feel free to contact her and arrange a free, no obligation meeting and see how you can benefit from Silvana’s financial guidance.

For more information about our Wealth Management Advisors, please consult the CIRO Advisor Report.